The Synodal Pathway
Posted: April 16, 2021 at 9:12 am

The Irish Bishops’ Conference has announced it has proposed to embark on a synodal pathway for the
Catholic Church in Ireland leading to the holding of a National Synodal Assembly within the next five years. The initial two-year phase of embarking on the synodal pathway and leading, in time, to a National Synod, helpfully coincides with preparation for the 2022 Ordinary General Assembly of Bishops in Rome entitled, For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission. Before embarking on the Synodal Pathway consultation, between Easter (5 April) and Pentecost (23 May), 2021, bishops are inviting submissions to reflect on what methods/models to adopt
in these coming two years of conversations. For example: focus groups, questionnaires, deep-listening sessions; written submissions; family-focused gatherings; summary of findings of assemblies that have already taken place across dioceses; and/or conferences. For more information about the Synodal Pathway and how to submit your response, see